Saturday, March 13, 2010

West Coast Pep Flag Championship

Sharp will be holding a West Coast Pep Flag Championship on March 13 at Carson High school. This is the first of it's kind so let's try and make it a huge success.

Click here to register.


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Anonymous said...

LETS GO POLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Morse got butt hurt. awww

Anonymous said...

Channel Islands beat JAPAN!

Anonymous said...

im thinking if camarillo brings it at nationals theyll get at least fith

Anonymous said...

This website is a shit-talking outlet for all

Anonymous said...

soo..what were the final standings in mddt? how'd everyone do

Anonymous said...

Can we just ignore the shit talking & for those retards that do put stuf like that just ignore it & don't give them any attention.
Can someone put the results up of dtu?
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

shut the fuck up!! i bet your one of the ppl talking shit!!!

karen said...

mmmm, the drama is getting my HYPED for this weekend! :D

Anonymous said...

Here is a prediction, the biggest shit talkers on here are Morse and Bishop. CI comes in close 3rd.

Anonymous said...

how does morse talk shit?
lol dont classify the team as talking shit when its just people sticking up for them lol comments should be banned on this website. This should just be made for updates on competitions and etc..

Anonymous said...

I <3 lbp!

Anonymous said...

kill it! then pick it up and kill it again!


Anonymous said...

cuz morse fans have a huge history of talking shit. they are petty lonely bitches. yeah they stick up for themselvs but they spred all kinds of shit with it too.

Jacquigp123 said...

I'm not defending Sharp and I'm not defending those complaining about Sharp, I'm just pointing something out that everyone should realize: No matter where you go or what sport you do, there is always going to be something that is biased or unfair. People will be people and it is impossible to please everyone. My brothers compete in tae kwon do and there are always unfair calls. Everyone has had to deal with them, but complaining won't stop them. It never will. It's not worth the time to complain, because it will unfortunately always be there. I am on color guard (which i hate). I have to deal with a coach who only puts us down and never encourages us to do anything. He walks around telling us how stupid we are and how much we suck. The judges at the competitions suck, too. Guess what, they are BIASED AND UNFAIR, but we still compete, despite all this. We don't let it bother us because we know there is no escaping it. No matter what you do in life, there will always be someone or something that doesn't seem right. You just have to turn the other cheek and not let it get to you. If you feel Sharp is a waste of money, don't compete with them. If you enjoy Sharp, stay with them. It's that simple.

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