Friday, June 6, 2008

"Pep Flags is a sport"

I found this post on this wordpress blog

This post is for a certain “kirbycurse” (see Blog Review: videotapegames). PEP FLAGS, DRILL TEAM, DANCE, ETC ETC ARE SPORTS.

Okay. You’re argument was that you don’t earn your scores, someone gives them to you. The only thing is: you earn those scores! Judges for dance competitions etc. wouldn’t score you super high if you sucked, and vice versa. Honestly, although not directly earning a ’score’, for example, shooting a soccer ball into the goal, you are indirectly earning your points through the judges professional discretion. If that argument stands, skiing is no longer a sport, nor is diving, gymnastics, figure skating… The list goes on and on.

Kirbycurse, provide a counterargument, or I assume victory! Others, agree with me or kirbycurse?

P.S. - A certain bandgeek, sorry to steal your idea. I’m not trying to do so, but your thinking galvanized this argument to mind, and it was never quite settled. Sorry… you can still say why you think marching band is a sport, etc. This is merely for argumentative purposes, not speculative. Sorry again.

I guess it just calls for a debate on..

..whether Pep flags can be seriously designated as a sport with the whole scoring by judges. What do you think?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Forum Poll

I was just wondering if the pep flag community would be interested in having a forum based website rather than this public style of a blog.

I admit there are some things that should remain exclusive to some of the people who check up this website. So a forum seems the most fitting a place to host our little community :)

I am planning on paying for its own domain name ( and web hosting online. It would be more YOU oriented and there would be private posts for the special users. With a lot more organization and information.

What I would like to request from the community, is to answer the poll I have whether to start it up or not, I don't mind paying for it as long as the community is open to contributing to a website that has potential to educate and inform the rest of the community. :D

If enough people say yes, that would mean that there would be lots of moving to a new address with new content, etc. Let me know I really want to make more changes!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Youtube Posts

Hello everyone!

I apologize for the extreme lack of updates towards the end of the 2007-2008 Season, but I can assure you that I'll be catching up soon enough.

I would like to extend a request to the short flags community to help me with the next step. I wanted to sort out all the youtube videos by competition. If you could kindly comment the competition posts with the proper links to each school at that competition it would help a GREAT deal.

I was also planning to upgrade this website into a forum so it would have more organization and freedom. More info at a later date. Have a great summer and congratulations to all the new teams of the 2008-2009 season!