This post is for a certain “kirbycurse” (see Blog Review: videotapegames). PEP FLAGS, DRILL TEAM, DANCE, ETC ETC ARE SPORTS.
Okay. You’re argument was that you don’t earn your scores, someone gives them to you. The only thing is: you earn those scores! Judges for dance competitions etc. wouldn’t score you super high if you sucked, and vice versa. Honestly, although not directly earning a ’score’, for example, shooting a soccer ball into the goal, you are indirectly earning your points through the judges professional discretion. If that argument stands, skiing is no longer a sport, nor is diving, gymnastics, figure skating… The list goes on and on.
Kirbycurse, provide a counterargument, or I assume victory! Others, agree with me or kirbycurse?
P.S. - A certain bandgeek, sorry to steal your idea. I’m not trying to do so, but your thinking galvanized this argument to mind, and it was never quite settled. Sorry… you can still say why you think marching band is a sport, etc. This is merely for argumentative purposes, not speculative. Sorry again.
I guess it just calls for a debate on..
..whether Pep flags can be seriously designated as a sport with the whole scoring by judges. What do you think?